Another day, another breakfast

We had our annual Dia de los Muertos party on Sunday, and I plan to post some photos and info from that, but that’s more than I have time for today.

Over fried zucchini, onions, and garlic from the garden and fresh eggs from the chickens, Larry pointed out an appreciative article on Guy Clark from the WSJ. It’s full of good quotes, but this is my favorite, about song writing vs guitar making:

“I love craftsmanship…But that’s just something to do while I’m doing the real work…If there’s a need for a little rest, you go over and fix a guitar and go into a zone completely free of writing or fixing that next verse. And then things pop into your head.” That’s exactly how I feel about the balance between writing and cooking or gardening. Very different kinds of focus that support each other in a real way. I’ve never really heard much by Guy Clark except “L.A. Freeway,” but it sounds like he’s had a terrific life: “all in all, I’ve had a head of a time,” the article ends. “I wish the Mexican food was better, but I’ve really got no complaints.” He should have been at our house for Dia de los Muertos.