Poetry Monday

This poem is from Poetry Sunday, in Women’s Voices for Change, a great resource. Usually hosted by Rebecca Foust, the Marin County Poet Laureate, this week’s selection is from another local poet, Susan Cohen. There are three other poems by Agi Mishol, an Israeli poet, on the site, and a brief biography of the author.

For Now

The days resemble one another.
The cat’s sharp claws rest
deep within her paws.

In the yard the dogs
gnaw on a rabbit’s skull.
My shadow extends, grows Continue reading “Poetry Monday”

Managing grief

bridgeI’ve been reading Paradise Drive, a book of sonnets by Becky Foust. I heard her read this one the other day–she said she had taken the words from the elegy of a woman she knew who committed suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. She rearranged and fractured them. The disjointed result gives a sense of abandonment.

Anastrophe Elegy

Not the woman we all knew. No.
Never would have done she, like this a thing.
How could someone, her, like that ever do?
Knew we the girl: hurdler varsity,
date cute. Sport good. Track quit who Continue reading “Managing grief”