A garden solution

Because of the beautiful, day-after-day, much needed rain, I had a gardening problem. My bare root asparagus arrived in the mail, and it was too wet to plant.  I came up with the idea of planting the 10 roots in individual brown paper bags. I set up a doubled lunch bag, filled it with dirt, and gave it a try. The bag almost immediately split. So I got plastic bags to act as sleeves to hold the paper together.Optimized-2016-03-13 15.40.34

This worked fine. When the sun finally appeared, I set the bags in the prepared trench, cut off the plastic, and covered the plants. Optimized-2016-03-15 13.40.12

No transplant shock. Now I just have to wait two or three years.


Based on my success, I decided to do something similar for my fig tree cutting.  It will stay in its bag till I figure out where to plant it.

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